Life in Namaacha is very good. As you can see it is beautiful and I am living a very interesting life. Monday through Friday we have Portuguese class and lectures on Peace Corps related material (e.g. teaching, health, technology in Mozambique). Today, we cooked American food for our host mothers. We made onion rings and grilled cheese sandwiches with tomatoes, onions, and lettuce. We wanted to make cheese burgers but were not able to purchase ground beef in Namaacha. Last week, we made a local dish with our mother's that was much better.
Those pics are great. Very interesting. Glad to see you're getting along so well down there.
I'm not sure how big that spider is but I think the hair on the back of my neck stood on end.
Keep updating the blog!
I think it just hit me that you are actually doing this.
Keep posting pictures man. You got me tuned in.
awesome pics man, looks like you are doin good and things are interesting.
keep postin pics i love seein them!
Frickin' Awesome Pat! I was hoping to see some photos of the new adventures but wasn't sure we'd be lucky enough.
I'd love to keep stalking to see what's happening and hoping you'll do the same your next 26 months.
Hey Pat -
What you're doing is as much art as what you put on paper. You're doing concept art with a small keyboard, bizarre chickens, over-sized, dangerous-looking insects and a highly moral vision. You are brave.
Keep posting and I'll keep admiring.
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