English Jeopardy.

What seems to be an empty classroom.

It has been an incredibly long time since I have had a chance update everyone. Since last time, we were sworn in as official Peace Corps Volunteers, I moved to Massinga, vacationed on Tofo Beach near Inhambane City, and spent some time in Moamba, near the Maputo. Unfortunately, I only have pictures up until the swearing in ceremony. I have had some complications with my camera and some of my other belongings but hope that the issue will be solved shortly. Life is good, it is very hot but I refuse to complain since I know everyone in the Upper Peninsula is freezing cold. My beard has been trimmed twice since the swearing in ceremony, you may notice that it was getting quite long, but has not been cleanly shaved since I arrived to Mozambique. Massinga Secondary School does not officially open until 28 January 2008 so I have had little responsibility aside from fixing up and adding security to my house. I hope to be able to upload pictures of it soon, I am in the process of making my living room a gallery of sorts.