Friday, August 31, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I finally finished this peice previously posted in late July under "current" and "potential." And, as previously mentioned, I really liked the wood showing through but I felt it was very necessary to obstruct the color field with white. I also started a large drawing today. It is another "war" drawing. For those not familiar with the war series I did this past spring, examples are available on the "Interactive Showcase" mentioned in yesterdays entry. They are drawings that reflect upon contemporary war crimes.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Sunday, August 19, 2007

It only has three main updates along with a new host server. If you do not have time to search for the new features, here are links to them:
Global Warming PSA- An animation done with four other students from Kendall for the KAFI Cartoon Challenge 2007. The theme for the competition was global warming.
Interactive Showcase- A showcase of some of my favorite work I did at Kendall.
Virtual Tour- A virtual tour of the outside of the "Tangible Media" exhibition Kyle Morris and I had this past March. Click and drag to move around, hold "shift" to zoom in and hold "ctrl" to zoom out. The tour of the inside of the gallery is also available here.
Saturday, August 18, 2007

Friday, August 17, 2007

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Aside from watching yet another movie, I filled out my visa and passport information for Mozambique today. I also had my picture taken, which should look something like this:

How professional, how stoic.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Tonight I watched one of my all time favorite movies, "Me and You and Everyone We Know." The drawings on the bottom left are characters from the movie. In fact, the younger girl on the bottom right reminds me a bit of another character in the movie. If you haven't seen it, you should definately go out and rent it today. It was written and directed by Miranda July who also wrote a great book/series of short stories called "No One Belongs Here More than You."
Anyways, I said I had big news. Today, I accepted my assignment/invitation to volunteer with the Peace Corps in Mozambique. I will be teaching English as a Second Language and have have orientation in Philadelphia, PA from September 23-25. I will begin training immediately after that in Maputo, the capital of Mozambique. I will try to periodically update this blog but I am not sure what access I will have to the Internet, or electricity. Here is a map of eastern Africa.
Monday, August 13, 2007

After finishing off my previous sketchbook, I started using my big 11x17 inch sketchbook. The problem with using such a huge sketchbook is, aside from its general transportation, that my scanner is too small to scan a whole page all at once. In the meantime, I have been using my small, pocket Moleskin® while traveling back and forth to Grand Rapids, MI and Humbolt, TN. I should have some more drawings, as well as some big news, by tomorrow.
Saturday, August 04, 2007

Tonight, I filled the last page of my sketchbook with a self-portrait. This may be my favorite self-portrait I have ever done. I struggled deciding what kind of shoes I should be wearing, and I definitely think that may have been the weakest part of the whole figure. But, I find the face very humorous. Speaking of humor. I saw "Hot Rod" today. It was pretty good and ridiculously outrageous.

I did these drawings today while sitting around my house watching old movies like the Princess Bride and the Highlander. To me, the top page looks like two guys checking out a good looking person. The bottom left is of two brothers. The younger seems to have missed out on the kazoo and lolipop give away. The bottom right is for all of the people that enjoy realistic, representation drawing. The only reason she is missing her feet is because the drawing is from a photograph that cuts her off at the feet.
Friday, August 03, 2007